#12Days: HoverBar Solves Holiday Double-Chin Problem

#12Days: HoverBar Solves Holiday Double-Chin Problem

Are you among the millions suffering in silence, checking your posture, look, and lighting on FaceTime before you dial? Modern problems, sure — the old home phone didn’t require you to be out of your bathrobe to talk to anyone. And back then, working from home was simply not an option.

But now there’s FaceTime. Or worse, Skype (if you think your messy office is well-hidden on FaceTime, better look out for Skype’s wider angles).

And if you’re super-awesome, you might be using the always-on video portal Perch to work with far-away colleagues or stay in touch with family.

But what if you packed on the pounds and skipped the Crossfit while celebrating Turkey Day?

Whatever the reason, don’t worry! HoverBar is here to save the day, rescuing you from countless comments on your weight. With HoverBar, that double chin is gone, baby, gone.

From Perch co-founder Danny Robinson, today’s #12Days post is a testimonial to the Miraculous Double-Chin Curing Powers of HoverBar.

In his words:

“It probably wouldn’t surprise you to know that we have tried more ways to “perch” up an iPad than rainman could count. Recently we tried the HoverBar by Twelve South, and found it to be the most elegant solution so far. But, it might not be for the reasons you think. Sure, it works with all models of iPad out of the box, it comes with nifty cable management clips, and even a rubber pad to protect our dainty developer hands from being bruised when we use the allen key (provided) to tighten the clamp. No… the real reason I love the HoverBar is because it eliminates our double chins. Nobody wants to look like a fatty when talking on Perch, and the good news is the HoverBar provides a simple solution. No need to splurge on acai (pronounced ah-sah-ee) berries, or go on any fancy diets. Get a HoverBar and eat whatever you want, as much as you want.”

You can read the rest of the story here. Photographic evidence is above. And if you’re thinking you’d like to join people who work confidently from home, looking svelte — and never schlubby —  everyday, you’re gonna want to get a HoverBar and start using Perch.