BookBook Goes Big on April Fools’ Day

BookBook Goes Big on April Fools’ Day

We love it when a plan comes together. Especially when that plan involves an April Fools’ Day joke.

We’ve long been amused by people who love their iMac screen sizes so much, they’ll pack them up and bring them to the local coffee house to work on them. Don’t get us wrong: We love a large screen as much as the next guy or girl, but it’s just. Not. Something. We’d. Do. So we started thinking: What if we made a BookBook for those people? How big could BookBook be?

And then we knew: We had an April Fools’ joke on our hands.  MacRumors played along: “Twelve South, which offers a popular line of book-themed iPhone, iPad and Mac notebook cases, has introduced its largest version yet: BookBook for iMac.”  Engadget‘s April Fools coverage added, “Who hasn’t wanted one of these?” Indeed. Meet the rest of the BookBook family. And sorry, there’s no epic BookBook for your iMac.