Celebrate Read Across America Week with a BookBook

Celebrate Read Across America Week with a BookBook

Shop BookBook to support Reading Partners

This week a portion of all BookBook sales will be donated to Reading Partners for their After the Bell program, providing students with summer backpacks filled with books and other reading resources. Visit their website to learn more about their mission and shop BookBook!

Share #MyBookBook for a chance to win $100

Share a picture of your BookBook(s) for a chance to win a $100 gift card to twelvesouth.com! Tag us on Instagram @twelvesouth and use #MyBookBook to be entered to win. The winner will be announced on Monday, March 9th!

Spend some time with your favorite book

What better way to celebrate Read Across America Week then to simply...read? If you need some inspiration, check out our book recommendations from the Twelve South crew.